more mind opening science on the endocannabinoid system's amazing management of human systems.
"A March 2023 study in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry4 suggests that CBD may act through a PPAR receptor to enhance cerebral glucose metabolism, alterations of which are associated with a host of metabolic and cognitive disorders.5
The paper describes the case of a 19-year-old man in Germany who presented at the Cologne Early Recognition and Intervention Center with “a marked cognitive decline within [six] months, anhedonia, ambivalence, social withdrawal, poverty of speech, and brief, limited intermittent psychotic symptoms, particularly delusions and hallucinations.”
Prior to this, the man had no psychiatric history, the authors note. He had never taken anti-psychotic drugs nor received psychological treatment. And besides an uncle with bipolar disorder, he had no family history of other psychiatric or neurological diseases.
The man’s doctors — two of the paper’s four authors — knew that over the last decade-plus, CBD has begun to be recognized through animal and human studies as a novel therapeutic compound for psychosis that acts via indirect effects on the ECS.6,7 They wanted to try it.
“Due to its excellent tolerability and promising efficacy … and its innovative new mechanisms of action, we decided to offer a respective treatment with cannabidiol to [the] patient,” they write.
The prescription was 600 mg of pure CBD orally per day for 30 days. And it worked. The authors report a substantial clinical improvement in attention, visual processing, visuomotor speed, working memory, and other parameters beginning by day seven, with no adverse events or side effects. That’s quite notable in and of itself — but it’s their investigation of potential mechanisms of action that really contributes to the conversation." (Project CBD reprint:
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