plans to overtake the national flower and edibles markets, but will it work? #HempIsolate #endocannabinoidhealing
Its no secret that the cannabis industry is so over saturated its hard for businesses to not be going bankrupt in 2024. When you're an almost $4 billion company, with investors and stockholders, options become limited.

Curaleaf, one of the nations largest dispensary chains, has announced that they will be replacing cannabis in their stores with hemp derived products, many exempt from the Controlled Substance Act.
This replaces consumers’ pursuits of real cannabis flower, with a synthesized isolated version of specific cannabinoids, primarily THC in edibles and vape carts.
With reduced production costs, and wider legal distribution, Curaleaf hopes to dominate the US edible and smokable cannabis markets.
Will It Work or Is it Just Desperation?
Curaleaf states that consumers simply pursue THC consumption and hemp is the most economical means to deliver it.
While experienced smokers and certainly much of the market would decline hemp flower or hemp derived THC vape carts to the far better performing and more appealing real cannabis flower, accessibility and cost may derail some consumers from acquiring the real thing.

More importantly perhaps, is denying consumers access to the medicinal benefits of cannabis, the original reason cannabis is legally accessible. Very simply, isolated humanoids are scientifically in capable of feeling anything, or providing consistent functional relief for any symptom.
Isolated cannabinoids do not fuel end, annoyed, systemic functions Isolated cannabinoids, also incapable of consistent absorption, typically, best, achieve under 10%. This means that for every 10 mg ingested, only 1 mg for less is actually absorbed by the body. The rest passes right through.
A Dying Gasp or #WalmartWeed ?
In a super competitive economy, we’re almost everything reduces the lowest common denominator, It becomes kind of the same thing.
For large national dispensary chains, survival may necessity major product quality compromises.
Perhaps the bigger lesson for American consumers is, we get what we pay for, and sometimes the implications can be profound. denying the American public to the real benefits of cannabis, healing and relief is a violation of patient rights and an affront to the medicinal cannabis, legalization movements.
But the good news…
But never fear! SKMS and the Real Cannabis Medicine Co. will continue to supply symptom specific, dose consistent real cannabis meds, nationwide! Precedent set by all the lies changed with the help of SKS meds since 2014, and nationwide since 2022.
Can Cannabis Still Help?
Have questions about how real cannabis meds can help your health journey? Hit up the expert staff who have been educating healthcare and clients alike for over a decade. Click the picture below to send your questions!
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Portland Maine July 23, 2024
O. 207,544.6744