the work behind the magic of plant medicine #endocannabinoidsystem #healing #durban #magnumopus #landraces
The Cannabis plant is 27 million years old that we know of, and thanks to the huge range of climatic conditions and cultures who've cultivated it, grows in a variety of forms producing a huge range of healing effects and symptom reliefs.
The original SKMS staff have had a passion for decades for Landrace Seeds- cannabis strains sourced from their original native lands around the world, each with distinct characteristics.
A True Durban x Magnum Opus F8 hybrid Pain Relief strain looking strong and happy at 5 weeks from seed in an SKMS outdoor stress test being run on a number of Landrace Strains in Maine this summer. These plants will be grown 3-4 more months before harvest. Most U.S. Cannabis grows would actually force these plants into flower, and harvest them in 2-4 weeks, before they would naturally even begin flowering. This greatly diminishes cannabinoid quality and quantity.
These strains have provided the basis for the wide range of symptom relief which SKMS products have provided for a decade to hundreds of clients, with wholeplant capsules and Chocolates mailed nationwide, and SKMS flower available in the Maine Medical Cannabis market.

Genetic preservation and pursuit of additional symptom relief compounds are ongoing activities at the SKMS grow operation, including pursuit of new and novel relief.
In 2016 a kind soul brought some very special seeds up to Maine to SKMS staff- some of the last known and purest tested Durban seeds from the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa left in the Western market.
Not long after, a longtime supporter of SKMS who runs another notable grow operation in the Northeast brought us the legendary Magnum Opus strain seeds, given to him by the recently passed originator of the strain known for its hardiness and profound pain relief.
Both Durban and Magnum Opus are known for profound, but different spectrums of pain relief.

SKMS hybridized these two strains to what is referred to as an F8, or 8 generations of crosses.
The melding of these genetics pursued a 'broadest pain relief spectrum possible', hoping to meld the attributes of the profound inflammation reduction of the Durban and nerve calming qualities of the more sedative Indica type cannabinoid spectrum.
These crossed and back crosses resulted in a relatively uniform hybrid exhibiting the dominant Durban genetics, and retaining significant amounts of the heavy pain relieving more sedative qualities of the almost Middle Eastern Indica type genetic characteristics of Magnum Opus.
These plants are used as an ingredient in the SKMS Severe Pain Capsules and are also available as flower to licensed patients accessing the Maine Medical Cannabis market under the name "Buddha Cookies", a nod to the Silk Road heritage of these strains, stretching from one end of the earth's major land mass to the other.
It is a thrill for SKMS staff to work with these ancient plants, knowing all the people before this time who have worked to preserve them... all leading to the pain relieved in your body, connecting all of us with people long before us. Just another one of the amazing characteristics of the cannabis plant, bringing people together across time and space.
Looking for safer symptom relief options which actually fuel your own body's healing systems instead of causing harmful side effects? Check out the safer solutions at which have been helping people near and far relieve symptoms and find a safer way back since 2014.
Have questions about how the Endocannabinoid System works or how cannabinoids can help? hit up the expert healthcare educating staff at SKMS and RCM Co., they love to help!
SKMS & RCM Co. Staff
Portland Maine August 12th, 2024
O. 207.544.6744